Tag: Legal Update

indica vs. sativa

Cannabis Clubs in Europe | Cape Cannabis Club Inspiration

After the decriminalisation of cannabis in South Africa, cannabis clubs opened for business. They filled a gap in the market – getting people high-quality cannabis legally and safely.

The cannabis club model has been around for much longer than just in South Africa.

In Europe, cannabis clubs are known as cannabis social clubs and have operated in certain countries for decades. So, why not give you a break-down of the inspiration for C3’s existence, explaining how these cannabis social clubs came to be and how they work?

We’ll also highlight the similarities and differences between South African cannabis clubs, like us at C3, and the cannabis social clubs in Europe. More…

Cape Cannabis Club is 100% legal! Get premium quality cannabis at your convenience. Exercise your rights and let us grow your cannabis for you.


Contact Info

  • Cape Town, South Africa, 8001

  • info@capecannabisclub.org